Terms and conditions

The content of this website is made available for the purpose of providing information of a general nature and does not constitute the provision of services legal. Delfim Maia Advogados (DM – Advogados), excludes its responsibility for any damages that may occur in connection with the information contained on this website. This website is for informational purposes only and does not has advertising content.

Delfim Maia Advogados authorizes the downloading and storage temporary use of the content of this website for viewing purposes on a personal device. Reproduction, permanent storage or retransmission of the contents of this website are expressly prohibited without prior written authorization from this company. All the rights relating to this website, including the registered trademark, are the property of exclusive to Delfim Maia Advogados.

Information collected and its use

Browsing this website does not imply the provision of personal data, as that no personal data that is identify a user.

Delfim Maia Advogados may collect non-personal information and non-identifiable of a specific user for tracking purposes the use of its services and to assist in the development and improvement of site.

Personal data processing

Delfim Maia - Advogados is committed to protecting the privacy of users of your website. Although browsing the site does not imply providing personal data, we collect the information you choose to make available with the acceptance of its cookies. So that the data personal data collected by filling out a form, if necessary, existing system are used, Delfim Maia – Advogados will provide the user the necessary information so that, in advance, he can provide your consent to their use, processing and purpose. For any questions regarding the processing of your data, please Please consult our Privacy Policy available here.

Acceptance of these terms

By using this website you agree to the collection and use of your information, as set out in these Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy Privacy. Delfim Maia- Advogados reserves the right, at any time, to time and without prior notice, change these Terms and Conditions or Privacy Policy, with changes being published in this same local. By providing us with your contact details, DM-Advogados will be able to contact you for marketing purposes related to your services, as long as you have consented to the processing of your data personnel for this purpose. If you consent, you will receive communications from marketing via email. You may at any time object to this data processing.

Your consent is essential for DM-Advogados to process your personal data for certain purposes; however, if you choose not to give your consent, your visit and use of our website will not be affected.

How long do we keep your information?

Our policy is to retain data only during the period necessary for the fulfillment of the purposes for which these were collected. However, in certain cases we may retain data over longer periods, particularly when the Law so requires impose.

What are my rights?

At any time, you have the right to access your personal data, as well as, within the limits of the contract and the Regulation, of the change, oppose the respective treatment, decide on the treatment automation of the same, withdraw consent and exercise other rights provided for by law (except for data that are essential to the provision of services by DM-Advogados).

You have the right to be notified, under the terms set out in the Regulation, if a breach of your personal data occurs, which may result in complaints to the authority(ies).

DM-Advogados guarantees all the rights enshrined in the Regulation, to In a simple way, you can send an email to geral@delfimmaia.pt requesting that all information about you be made available to you in our society's database.

Security and Confidentiality

We are committed to keeping your data secure, and we employ appropriate security measures to ensure that the protection of your personal data and prevent access to unauthorized persons. We submit our security systems and policies to periodic analysis of to ensure that data is safe and protected. However, the Transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure, and we cannot absolutely guarantee the security of information transmitted through our website.

We also respect the confidentiality of your information. As such, no sell, distribute or otherwise make available commercially your information to any third party. DM-Advogados assumes a commitment to keep your information confidential in accordance with this Privacy Policy and applicable legislation.